Different Types of Anxiety Disorders 
Anxiety is a common occurrence when someone encounters potentially problematic or dangerous situations. It also feels when a person believes in an external threat. However, chronic and irrational anxiety can be a form of anxiety disorder. There are various types of anxiety disorders based on their causes or triggers.


Common forms of anxiety disorders

generalized anxiety disorder

A person with such anxiety disorder usually experiences anxiety for a long time, which is often without basis. More precisely, people with generalized anxiety disorders can not explain the reason behind their anxiety. Such anxiety usually lasts for up to six months and often affects women. Due to the persistence of anxiety, people affected by generalized anxiety disorders constantly fret and worry. As a result, there are heartbeat, insomnia, headache, and circled spells.

Specific phobia

Unlike a person with generalized anxiety disorder, a person who is a distinct phobia, experiences extreme and often irrational fear of a certain position or object. When they come in contact with the object or situation they are afraid, people with specific phobias show signs of intense fear like shaking, shortness of breath, heart beat and nausea. Common typical phobia includes heights of heights, adjacent places, blood and animals. A person fears with fear that he can disregard security to avoid the situation that it can be extreme.

panic disorder

Also known as agoraphobia, panic attacks are characteristic of recurrent panic attacks that are often unpredictable. Symptoms are usually shaking, chest pain, dizziness, fear of losing control and reluctance to live alone. People with panic disorder know that their terror is usually unfounded and irrational. That is why they avoid public situations and living alone. Panic attacks can be so serious that people can lose control and hurt themselves.

social phobia

Alternatively called social anxiety, a person with social fear can display symptoms similar to those of panic disorder especially in social situations. Shivering, dizziness, shortness of breath and heartbeat can be intensified when a person with social phobias finds himself in the center of meditation or in a company of many people, even if they are strangers or not.

Obsessive compulsive disorder

People with obsessive-compulsive disorder often experience anxiety due to passion or thought. They avoid avoiding anxiety by resorting to repetitive actions or behaviors that prevent anxiety. For example, a person who is passionate about cleanliness can feel anxiety in the sight of the vase placed on a far off center. To prevent anxiety, he must clean and organize everything essentially or without reason.

Post-tromatal stress disorder A person may experience severe traumatic event. He can overcome the experience in his mind which causes stress and anxiety. If a person with PTSD comes into contact with stimuli (any object, person or situation), which relates to the painful event, then he can literally re-experience the incident by crying uncontrollably, losing control or losing control. is. Subtle symptoms include insomnia and avoidance behavior. PTSD can appear immediately after the painful event or even after years.

Determining the type of anxiety disorder is important for a person seeking treatment and recovery. Techniques and methods that are used to help a person cope with a certain concern, usually not only target the management of symptoms, but also compete with the system when exposed to the trigger. Treatment and recovery for anxiety disorders can really start only after the diagnosis.