Bandobast Movie Rview in Telugu Tamil star hero Surya is best known as an actor in Telugu. But, in between, there are no reasonable achievements. Will it be a hit with 'Bandbust' to be released today? "Rangamo Telugu audience honored director KV. How did Anand make the film? Enjoyed the images of the campaign, Sooraj, KV Anand ... impressed with the film? How did Mohanlal, Arya and Sesha Sehgal become?


Ravi (Surya) is the secret intelligence officer. Prime Minister Chandrakant Verma (Mohanlal) has effectively opposed the attempted assassination of terrorists in London. The Prime Minister has again attempted an assassination. The Prime Minister, who has identified Ravi's talent, will be taken to the Personal Protection SPG (Special Protection Group). However, Ravi is unable to save the Prime Minister in an attack on Kashmir. After the death of Chandrakant Verma, his son Abhishek Verma became the Prime Minister. What help did Ravi give her? Why did businessman Mahendra (Boman Irani) confront Abhishek Verma? How is Mahendra related to mining and quarrying in the Godavari Delta? Who tried to kill the Prime Minister? Who is Anjali? The answer to many such questions is 'Bundobast'.
 Bandobast Movie Rview in Telugu


This is a very detailed picture of what the SPG commandos take care of in terms of the Prime Minister's security. The film is a tribute to the efforts of the Veera jawans, who did not hesitate to take their lives in defense of the Prime Minister. What is the security response to the Prime Minister's assassination attempt? have been shown. So far, so good. But, the story misses some streak. Why does the Prime Minister's daughter work in the Prime Minister's media division? How did one so quickly fall in love with a commando working at Prime Security? Like logic lost. It is not… It is easy to see the Prime Minister's office details in a matter of seconds. The director's explanation of how they got involved is not there. But, the way of writing the screenplay is good. There was some interest in what was going on in the audience. The problems of the farmer were addressed parallel to the series of assassination attempts on the Prime Minister. However ... some scenes get boring as the story slows down. They were unable to fully articulate the corporate mutilation. The songs in the middle of the story interrupt the story. These songs hit like a toothpick when they were excited about what the terrorists are doing. Even comedy scenes did not work. If they are easily cut and cut in half an hour, then the film will have power. The audience is more impressed. Construction values ​​are good. The audience is more impressed. Construction values ​​are good. The audience is more impressed. Construction values ​​are good.

Plus points:

Act of surya
The story is scripted
Reference to current issues

Minus Points:

Songs that interrupt the story
Slowed down the story
Could do comedy workouts
Miss logics


It is better for Surya to do such a role. The Prime Minister was fit in personal safety and character. Looks good hairstyle and physique. At the beginning of the film, the farmer differs slightly and shows variation. Intense scene as an actor. Mohanlal did not get a big chance. The extent of the character was reached. Arya played the son of the Prime Minister and the youth who held the post after his father's death. Saisha Saigal looked beautiful. Acted wherever found an opportunity. The man who played the role of terrorist Ranjith was good. Boman Irani, Samudrakumbhi, Purna etc. are regular characters.